Building The Brand Facta Non Verba



The ‘Facta Non Verba’ brand has been a staple mantra to all Dinthillian with an innate drive to act by our “Deeds” and “Not by our Words”.  In addition to the proverbial  saying ‘action not a bag a mouth’ we advance in the ultimate aim of the Dinthill Technical High School to ensure the creation of an environment, which facilitates all aspects of our learning and training processes; maintaining an ethos that depicts Order, Harmony, Discipline, Co-operation, and thereby ensuring that the opportunity is provided for the timely and orderly growth for our teachers and our students and is supported by other staff members, parents and the general community where the potential and gifts are recognized and developed through a rewarding and enriching education experience.

In maintaining this brand we will continue to ensure that training towards quality education is provided for our students in an environment that is conducive to learning and working by the provision of trained and qualified teaching and support staff; the participation of parents and community in developing graduates who are sociable, responsible and committed, and can efficiently contribute to the social and economic well-being of self and community.



Cornel Bent - Information Communication Technologist, Web & Graphics Designer, Cloud Architecture Engineer.