



The Constitution of the DTHS Alumni Association will form the core basis of reporting to the Executive Committee by way of a more detailed explanation of the Table of Content in small parts and the implementation and execution of those areas as we progress at each meeting.

Protocol will also be paramount as to communication guidelines regarding how meetings are to be conducted, Events are organized and the way in which Jamaica the Parent body interacts with all the other chapters within the Alumni community.

OBJECTS & POWERS – Article 2

The Association is established primarily for Educational purposes.

The Objects of the Association includes identifying areas of greatest need within the Dinthill Technical High School and its environs, provide supplementary resources to aid students academic development, the schools infrastructure, teachers and other staff welfare programmes, etc.

The Association shall have Powers inter alia which shall be exercised solely in the furtherance of such as the Objects of the Association as are Charitable.

MEMBERS – Article 3

Article 3.1 states – Any person who attended Dinthill for the purpose of pursuing a formal academic education, was registered under his/her name for a minimum of Two School Years for Day Instructions shall be eligible as a regular member.

Annual Dues shall be Jamaican Dollars (JAD) Equivalent of such amount as determined by the majority of members elected to the Board of the Association.

Any member who is not fully paid up on the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be automatically excluded from voting. It is the Treasurers responsibility to notify members before the AGM of any arrears in dues.

Only members in Good Financial Standing shall be allowed to hold office.

No member, director or officer shall benefit from the net earnings of the Association, except the  reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the Association.

Prepared By:Mr.  Fred Sutherland (Director of Protocol & Parliamentary Matters)

Please see the attached PDF version of the PSA Constitution : DINTHILL PSA CONSTITUTION AGM OCT 11 2016


Cornel Bent - Information Communication Technologist, Web & Graphics Designer, Cloud Architecture Engineer.