Mr. George Reid (Director School Affairs), Mrs. Coleen Beecher (Director Welfare, Hospitality & Scholarship), Mr. Noel Johnson (Secretariat Representative),
Miss. Angelina Brown (Secretary), Mr. Fredrick Sutherland (President),
Mr. Orett Parker (IPP Protocol & Parliamentary Matters),
Miss. Carron Hylton (Director Membership)
and Mr. Wayne Stanbury (Chairman, Trust Fund).
The Annual General Meeting of the Dinthill Technical High School Alumni Association Jamaica was held on Saturday, October 27th, 2018 at the Micro University Campus. It was the Association’s Fourth AGM in celebrating our Alma Mater’s 80th Anniversary under the theme “Renewal: Through, Partnership, Integrity & Perseverance “. The Administrative Year 2017- 2018 was challenging; mixed with enthusiasm, perseverance and ultimate successes as the members of the Executive demonstrated resilience in our efforts to pursue “The Way Forward” (a primary objective of the President), by integrating all key stakeholders: our Chapters, Principal, Acting Principal, Board of Governors, Teachers, Administrative & Ancillary Staff and the school community.
Based on the constitution and protocol guidelines governed by the Association, the meeting was convened accordingly and chaired by Mr. Wayne Stanbury (Chairman, Trust Fund). In addition, two vacant Board positions were made public and was filled by the electorate in attendance.
Please see the full report below for details …