The Dinthill Alumni Association Jamaica officially unveiled an improved $1.5 million dollars starter gym to its Alma Mater amidst the current extremities of a global pandemic.

At the official unveiling of The Linval Freeman Sports Gym on Thursday, October 22nd. The new $1.5 million dollar gym was officially named in honour of past president and longest-serving member of the school’s past students association, Mr. Linval Freeman. Now retired Mr. Freeman has been a true stalwart in representing the ‘Facta Non-Verba’ brand as he continues to exhibit tremendous dedication and commitment.

In his response to the gesture, Freeman said:  “I humbly accept this honour bestowed upon me by the Past Students Association in recognition of my many years of service to the association and the school. I will continue to serve and give my support for as long as I can.”

Having led the Past Students Association from 1991 to 1996, in his last year as president,  Freeman – working in collaboration with the Toronto Chapter of the Association – formed the Dinthill Trust Fund, to raise funds to benefit the students, teachers, and school.

In addition, the school’s administration was extremely jubilant as they welcomed this newfound asset to their disposal. The gym will serve as an avenue for physical development along with balancing the school’s sports programs. Though currently posed with a pandemic the gym will be carefully utilized nevertheless.

Therefore the latest contribution to the school is part of the ongoing commitment by the Alumni Community to continuously provide the necessary infrastructural development and support it needs.

According to Mr. Betancourt (President of the DTHS Alumni Association Jamaica), the gym is a modular type that is currently equipped with massage tables, bench presses, weights, a recovery bath, and an exercise bicycle.  But he said there are plans to add to the space so that more students can participate in a wider variety of exercises at any one time.

In addition to the gym, the past students association donated 89 tablets to students during the COVID-19 pandemic at a cost of $900,000, inclusive of the cost of the device, data credit, and SIM card for each. 

“The data plan will cover three months initially and was achieved through partnerships with the private sector, NGOs, and past students,” Bentancourt said.

The Alumni wishes to express its commitment to continue building the brand “Facta non-verba” in the true ‘One Maroon’ spirit.

See article for details:https://www.loopjamaica.com/content/new-15-million-gym-opens-dinthill-technical-high-school


Cornel Bent - Information Communication Technologist, Web & Graphics Designer, Cloud Architecture Engineer.