THE DTHS ALUMNI ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 2024 | ENOS BARRETT AUDITORIUM, DINTHILL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL @ 5:30 pm. We call all Dinthillians to be counted, as we seek to CONNECT.INVEST.REBUILD the fabric of our Institution by exercising your franchise in democracy.
The following positions are now vacant, and nominations are now open for the period 2024-2025. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL MEMBERS MAKING NOMINATIONS OR BEING NOMINEES MUST BE PAID-UP MEMBERS!! Contact our secretariat via WhatsApp or call (876) 804-8996 or email: for more details about the same:
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- Public Relations Officer
- Welfare & Mentorship
*See the attached Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held October 28, 2023, for your perusal…