Building The Brand



The Dinthill Alumni Association continues to expand it’s “Brand Building”  endeavors by fostering growth and development through various branding strategies and commitmentJust recently the Florida Chapter spear headed a benevolent move by donating thirty (30) computers and printers to the school in the development of their Electronic Document Preparation and Management (EDPM) students at the school.

It was a welcomed gesture as they no longer have to contend with inadequate computers to do their work. Prior to the donation, EDPM students had to share a computer lab with the Information Technology (IT) students. This lab has about 35 computers that was being used by about 130 students from Grades 9 to 10, which posed as a major problem for students.  See full story:

Determined to lend invaluable support to the Dinthill School Community, the Alumni Association predicates its operations on  networking and sustainable development. In essence, the School’s traditions are founded on the spirit of voluntarism. With this strong message of fortitude we stand firm to proclaim “Facta Non Verba – Deeds not Words”.

The brand continues to gain significant traction as multiple entities such as Lasco Financial Services makes huge contributions to academics each academic year. Recently, two students were awarded scholarships to fund their CSEC examinations in May/June. With this moral boosting initiative in collaboration with the DTHS Alumni Trust Fund partnerships like these add significant value to the sustainability of the Association and its commitment to the development of the Dinthill Community. We congratulate the students on their recognition and trust that they continue to work harder in making our forefathers proud.






Cornel Bent - Information Communication Technologist, Web & Graphics Designer, Cloud Architecture Engineer.