Membership is the hallmark focus of the Association and at the outset our Membership Director seeks to aggressively bring our membership database to an acceptable level. However, our membership database has increased to over Two Hundred Thousand with approximately Two Hundred and Fifty members who are fully paid up . Our annual membership fee is only J$2,000.00, and therefore we solicit all Alumni groups to urgently consider recruiting outstanding Dinthill past students to join the Association as we seek to ‘Build the Brand Facta Non Verba’ . We must provide for our current students positive role models, professional development, and financial support.

The growth of our membership database would increase the value of support and assistance so urgently needed by the school. The intention and commitment are specifically geared towards an aggressive drive to encourage our past students to become active paid up members.  We feel that as an Alumni group we have the most urgent task to actively seek and recruit outstanding Dinthill past students to join the Association. We also believe we have a responsibility to encourage professional development and financial support to all students to perform at their full potential by taking advantage of all academic resources provided.

In order to seize these opportunities, both local and overseas body must work together to develop effective programmes that foster solidarity and have a positive impact among our young brothers and sisters.

Prospective membership can be accommodated by our Alumni Secretariat or direct deposit to Dinthill Past Student’s Association CBIC First Caribbean New Kingston Branch Account No. 113013316 or Bank of Nova Scotia Constant Spring Branch Account No. 49596

Our membership form is now revised to facilitate payments or donations to the following areas of interest:

  • Membership Dues (June 2016 – July 2017)
  • Trust Fund
  • Sports
  • Capital Development
  • Welfare
  • Other (extra-curricular activities such as the Quiz Club, Speech & Drama, Music, etc.)

Please see our Membership Form here …