DTHS Campus

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The school is situated in North eastern St. Catherine between two (2) major towns, Linstead and Bog Walk. It is 30.8km from Spanish Town and 40km from Kingston. The Dinthill Technical High school began on April 1, 1938, as a practical training center offering skill training in agriculture and allied trades to young students 15-17 years of age. The aim then was to make a profitable business out of farming. Forty students under the guidance of Superintendent, Mr. F. A. Foster inaugurated the programme on the Dinthill property comprising of 137 1/2 acres of land mass. The agriculture programme-complemented by training in such skills as carpentry, welding, motor mechanics, shoe-making and mattress-making was based on a work-study system.

In the mid-fifties, with government’s emphasis on rural development the status of the institution was changed to a Rural Secondary Technical School. While this did not influence any significant alterations to the curriculum it involved development in financing and consequently, student-intake and staffing. In September, 1961, the status was again changed this time to Dinthill Technical High School. By then, the enrollment had increased to over 200 students, which now included girls as well. Vast changes in the curriculum and the structure of the school were put into effect immediately.

The academic programme was now largely technical-based although agriculture was retained as a feature. Since then, the school has continued to grow with new curricula added and current enrollment standing at approximately 1,540 students.

Special Features:
* Ample and arable land appropriate for agriculture.
* Bio-Digester plant.
* Extensive play fields for multifarious activities.
* E-learning Jamaica Project/Multiple extra-coda activities for student development.
* Income-Earning agriculture project.



Cornel Bent - Information Communication Technologist, Web & Graphics Designer, Cloud Architecture Engineer.